Drunk Mums

Sale price$40.00


Great band name, intense album cover - Drunk Mums don’t beat around the bush. The Melbourne-via-Cairns five-piece have released their self-titled album to satisfy the hunger of their loyal fan base, and they’re certainly not doin’ it for the money. 

The conservative suit types over at iTunes banned their album from being sold on the site because of it’s what its cover depicts (a topless photograph of a woman who is definitely ‘mum’ aged). According to the band, the story goes that “We put an ad on Gumtree and within an hour got a response from a ‘stripper’ named Peaches. Hepped up on VB we jumped in the car and drove straight to her club and for a small fee – well, we got the album cover we wanted, and a quick lappie. Bonza! This image is spot on and best represents Drunk Mums. All the people who matter will still find us and buy our record”. Stick it to the man, Drunk Mums!

Melbourne’s Drunk Mums wear their early punk influences on their sleeves, combining a ramshackle energy with terrific easy-to-digest rock and roll hooks. It’s the kind of music that lends itself to profuse sweating, tongueing your mate, moshing and above average chances of bleeding (due to a flailing elbow in the nose).

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