Spend The Night With...

Sale price$39.00


Sacred Bones released Cheena's self-titled EP as something of a surprise. A label renowned for dark experimental sounds had discovered a band steeped in rock tradition. Cheena includes prior Sacred Bones artists who have diverged from power electronics, such as Pharmakon's Margaret Chardiet. Other members hail from Crazy Spirit, Anasazi, and Hank Wood & the Hammerheads, and they deliver '70s-style punk and glam rock.

Cheena's full-length album further hones their craft, forming songs from a combination of order and chaos. Spend the Night With... is a wild rock & roll ride with its take on punk, Ramones-style guitar, and primal vocals. Tracks like "Fever," "Cry for Help," and "Car" add melody to the mix, while "Electric Snoopy Gang" takes an unexpected twist into nursery rhyme with a slide whistle for good measure. Cheena has found a way to modernize their influences and

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