
Sale price$32.00


On their second record, Trouble, Hospitality stretch beyond bouncy pop and tender introspection into all kinds of new directions, from the guitar-heavy "Nightingale," which kicks off the album in a crunchy, Neil Young-ian swirl that allows Papini to show off some real toughness to go with all the tender, to the very next song. "Going Out, which slowly rides a sunset-soft mid-'70s Laurel Canyon disco vibe, it's easy to see right away that Hospitality was inspired to explore all kinds of ways to grow their sound into something a bit more challenging and heady.

Whether it's rollicking indie-pop with exciting dynamics ("I Miss Your Bones"), very moody and atmospheric ballads ("Sullivan"), or epic-length synth-pop songs that almost sound like an entirely different band ("Last Words"), the trio doesn't make a wrong move.


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